We started our Tour of Houston in Spring at my cousin Kensey's house. We had a mini-family reunion as my Aunt Jayne and cousin Stacy also made the trip to Houston from Louisiana to visit. It was a full, FUN house.
My cousin Kensey and her husband have one son, Aiden and another (Grayson) on the way. Aiden is three and a half and unbelievably entertaining...though I'm pretty sure his mom and dad think otherwise. He has grown up so much since I last saw him. He was full of concern for who was playing with what toys...not to mention WHO was touching HIS toys. At one point...this was my conversation with Aiden:
Aiden: Who moved my monkey up here?
Me: I did, so the babies wouldn't get it.
Aiden: Why?
Me: Oh because I didn't want Isabel to play with it without your permission.
Aiden (wish accusation in his tone): So, you touched it?
Me (looking around the room): Ahhh, yeah, can anyone help me with what to say here?!
In from Louisiana, my cousin Stacy and her husband, have a baby girl who is a month younger than Isabel. Aubrey was such a fun baby to play with! She is FULL of expression. This little girl was so patient...she made Isabel look like a rebel (and I think Isabel is pretty good)! I think the girls had a fun time "playing" together. Though, Isabel was mobile and she was a little pushy at times crawling over Aubrey in attempt to get toys. In no time the two girls will be causing all kinds of trouble together.
The kiddos...this is the best one I have on my camera...but there were cameras and people jumping up and down for smiles like crazy!

Umm, yeah, I think picture time is over!

Kensey & Joe with Aiden and Grayson in belly :)

Aunt Jayne, Stacy and Aiden

Stacy & Paul with one happy little Aubrey
Isabel learned to "give sugar" in Houston.
One of the few family photos from the trip...and my husband has to go and act like a monkey.
LOL! I love the conversation with Aiden!