At my 36 week appointment everything was looking good and is still on track. In terms of my body's "preparedness", I am 50% effaced and 0 cm dilated. Those numbers don't really mean too much, but it was enough kick my butt into gear and start organizing the house. My wonderful Momma came over and helped me make sense of the nursery last week. It's far from done, but I did about 10 loads of laundry trying to get the "stuff" ready for baby. On top of that both Ben and I have started the "nesting" phase around the house! Do husbands normally go through the nesting phase as well? I don't know what got into my wonderful husband, but he had a day off of work last week, plus we didn't have anything planned last weekend and he got a ton of things checked off the list! Let's hope that some of my "nesting" moves things along for Baby Funk...I can't say that I have ever cleaned the bathroom like I did last weekend :)
Holy Cow is right! I can't believe how much you grew from week 34 to week 36! My mom told me that I looked this big too - but for some reason I have conveniently forgot that small detail :) We'll be thinking a lot about you in the next couple of weeks here. I know you are super busy with work - but if you get a spare moment and want to chat I would love to talk before the new arrival :)