I won't bore you with pictures of all the baby gear that our funky baby received, but here are some of the gifts I just have to mention...
My friend Kimberly's mom, Ellen, made this needlepoint for us. Each letter is a different type of stitch with all kinds of cool thread. She spend over two months on this project and it shows...it's amazing! What do you think, shouldn't she start a business?!

Brittany and Rachel decided not to make it easy on me...they made a game out of the gift. For each Trivia question I answered correctly, I got a related gift. Here are some of the gift/questions...see how good you do:
Goodnight Moon - In the great green room there was a telephone and a red balloon and...(finish the line)
Bottle nipple - What level Dr. Brown nipple does a newborn start with? (a) Level Y (b) Level N or (c) Level 1
Breastmilk Storage Bags - Once you pump, how long is breastmilk good for... (1) on the counter? (2) in the fridge? (3) in the freezer?
Digital Thermometer - In order to get a true temperature reading from a rectal thermometer you should: (a) subtract a point (b) add a point or (c) nothing it's a true reading
Lanolin - Is it necessary to remove nipple cream before breastfeeding?
Newborn Onesies - When does a babies umbilical cord typically fall off?
Baby Food - When does a baby start to eat baby food?
Washcloths - How often should a baby receive a bath the first few months of life?
Carseat toys - When do you transfer your baby from the bucket carseat to the big carseat?
Swaddle blanket - Show us how to swaddle a baby doll...
Formula Dispenser - How many scoops of formula go with 4oz of water?
Pack'n'Play - Put this pack'n'play together...
Here is my attempt at putting together a pack'n'play. This was a hard job...especially when you are 8 months pregnant, but as Rachel pointed out, I will appreciate the knowledge when I have a tired, crying baby on my hip while I'm trying to put this together next time. Note: don't put the bottom down flat until you get the sides locked!!

Taadaa! I was dripping sweat at this point...
Thanks again for a wonderful baby shower!
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