Monday, January 11, 2010


So a month ago my baby was 3 months old!! It was a bittersweet milestone. She is growing so much and getting such a cute personality, yet 3 months marked the end of my "spa retreat" from work. Over the third month Isabel had a lot of firsts...the best was a faint little giggle that I got during a middle of the night feeding. Oh my goodness I have never heard anything so sweet. I was so blissful that I couldn't fall back asleep so I just stared at her on the video monitor. Another noteworthy event over the past month was the change from size one to size two diapers. Let me tell you, I learned how to measure diaper sizes the hard way! We had three nights in a row of "blowouts" and I finally got the hint... I guess I just couldn't handle the fact that my baby was onto the next size diaper. Finally, Isabel had a fluke rollover during month three. One day during tummy time she rolled over to her back. I say it was a fluke as she has yet to do a repeat performance...stay tuned for more updates.

Here is a link to my obsessive compulsive picture taking of my baby girl on Kodak. I have lost all control...sorry.

Here is my favorite month 3 milestone photo... She pooped out of her cute outfit right before our little photo shoot, so I decided to capture the moment anyway. Can you tell how annoyed she is with me?
Trying so hard to sit up!
One of the first outfits I bought for Isabel (size 6 months) and she is already growing out of it. She is growing so fast that we need to have a fashion show to capture all the cute outfits!
Is it bad to capture these type of moments?? I just love every single thing about this baby girl...

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