Over the holidays we got to visit lots of friends...and meet a couple new ones! First we got to meet Izzy's double mint twin, Vivian. These two cutie pies had the same due date...what are the odds?! Yet, they ended up nine days apart. The girls had the chance to meet while Monica was in Bloomington. Check out these adorable pictures!
Isabel meet Vivian :)

How beautiful is this baby girl? The biggest blue eyes I've ever seen...and the hair! Where did she get all that hair?

Isabel & Vivian outtake number 95...

The next night we decided to do something absolutely crazy. We drove up to Chicago for a mini-Delta reunion. Since so many girls were in town for the holidays, we had a gathering...a BYOB (Bring your own baby) gathering! Amidst the chaos, we had a lot of fun catching up! Isabel and I decided to really test our luck and we spent the nigh at Katie's...along with Monica, Vivian and Ali. CRAZY. Seriously, we should have taken the BYOB theme more seriously and brought more booze!
Of course we had to have a photo session...like one I've never seen before. There were more flashes in 30 seconds than I have ever seen. No wonder I have a dozen pictures and all the babies look like zombies!
Left to right: Jack Hager (1 year), Jonathon Brown (5 months), Vivian Ramsey (3 months), Aidan Butscher (4 months), Isabel Funk (3 months) and Leah Schreiber (3 weeks)

Just a couple more...with the momma's! L to R: Katie & Jack; Ami & Jonathan; Monica & Vivian; Staci & Aidan; Kristy & Isabel; Leslie & Leah

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