What does this mean...well I have to go on a controlled diet to limit my calories to 2000 per day and then make sure I eat enough fruit, veggies, proteins, milk and starches. Then I'll go to the hospital for another test called the glucose tolerance test, which is similar except they will take my blood three times over the course of three hours. If I pass that test, then I don't have gestational diabetes. If I fail that test...then I do have gestational diabetes and the doctor will take more precautions for me and the babe.
So, I'm pregnant and I have to go on a diet for the next 7-10 days. Ummm hello...pregnancy and diet are two words that should not be in the same sentence! Seriously, I found myself looking at all the food labels today and thinking, I don't even remember what this stuff means. I know I've sort of been abusing my pregnancy privileges, but doesn't everyone? At what other point in your life can you justify more than one donut a sitting or ice cream every night?? I wonder if Dunkin Donuts will start to worry about me since I can't frequent them anymore?! Overall, I'm not too worried as my blood sugar levels were just slightly elevated, but still...dieting for 7 - 10 days while growing a human being...NOT COOL!
Other than that, I feel great and baby Funk is just jumping around enjoying the space in my belly while she/he has it. After this point, the baby is going to start running out of space to jump, dance, kick...or whatever the heck else this little being thinks it's doing!
Here is my belly picture...the good thing is that I'm growing straight out (I think) which hopefully means I'll fit into my old clothes again someday. The bad news is that I'm growing straight out and it totally looks like I'm having more than one child. Plus, getting up and down from the bed, couch, floor is next to impossible...as is bending over. We will see how much longer I can continue to do household chores :)

I also failed the test when I was pregnant with Alex. My doctor did not make me do a special diet though while I was waiting to be restested- as the 1st test is really not that accurate. It all depends on what you've eaten before the test, and I had a bunch of stuff(probably nothing good). For the 2nd test I had to fast overnight (hello pregnant people do not want to fast) and then sit at the doctors office for 3 hours and drink either 2 or 3 of those orange bottles, I can't remember now and I really don't want to try. I do remember I was almost nauseaus as the sweet stuff is sickening, and drinking multiple ones is just too much. But it all turned out fine for me, and hopefully it will for you too!