Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Here is my 26 week photo...I don't know what else to say... Apparently when you are short the baby just grows straight out, which is really awkward!

Does anyone have good advice on how to make a baby come early?


  1. Oh, that is not at all awkward looking. You look so cute pregnant! But I do know what you mean about the baby growing straight out, I felt the same way. Lots of walking closer to your due date may help, but the baby will probably be here when he/she is ready! Can't wait for another little baby in the family!!

  2. Go visit your in-laws out of state...oh...wait, that only works for me :-)
    You look great!

  3. I think your having a girl and so does Kensey! That's my prediction!!

  4. I agree - you look like you are carrying high - which typically indicates a girl. You are looking fantastic! I was able to have Chloe 1 day early, we accomplished this by inducing - so if your doctor gives you the green light, that is an option! I have also heard of eating eggplant & walking a lot.

  5. Ok... I have been patient all day waiting for your 28 week photo! You're looking great... can't wait to see you THIS weekend! :)
