The three oldest Cruses in 1998. There is a similar picture on the same day where Alex and Brandon were "posing" for the picture...but really they are holding onto each other for dear life!
Congrats to you Brandon as you start the next venture of your life. My advice to you is to make sure that you go to class enough to get decent grades...but don't forget that there are important lessons to be learned outside the classroom as well! (I expect a couple smiles out of my sorority sisters as you read this!)

The Cruses today...from L to R: Nancy, me, Kendra, Michaela, Charles, Alex and Brandon. Notice how they all tower over me with the exception for Charles. I probably only have 3 or 4 more years before he is taller then me!
haha thanks for comming Kristy. Ill be sure to study super hard in college and work on my grades and only that. :)