Since I couldn't have an ice cold beverage in hand, I brought my camera instead. I was super excited to test out one of my new camera lenses on all the babe's at the party. Check out these cutie pies!
Little Miss M (Rachel & Matt's 9.5 month old daughter) and her serious pose...she is usually smiley and loves to ham it up for cameras so I can't believe I caught this look. Such a doll!

This angel (Brittany & BJ's 6 month old daughter) is clearly going through the teething stage. All of Miss A's poses included fingers in the month! You can almost see her smile, but the eyes really give away her happiness!

These two babes alternated hands in the this is as good as it gets :)
Now this is one model of a child. Little E (Brittany and BJ's 3 year old daughter) was adorable on the 4th. She loved all the decorations and crafts, but had to ask her daddy to tell the people setting off the fireworks to stop it!
This is one of the only pictures I captured with an "adult" in it...I'm not counting the series of pictures my husband took of Matt on the continuous shooting mode to pretend like they were models! Don't these butterfly kisses just make you melt??
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