In the mean time, my belly is a growing...FAST. I can't believe that I'm still going to grow for 10 more weeks. The most frequent comment I get these days is "Are you sure there is just one?!" Let me tell you something...not the most flattering thing you can say to a pg woman. I know I've said it before too so no offense if you were one of the ones that said it! Yes, there is only one...and in my case if there ever should be more than one, I've already promised the other one to my mother-in-law since twins would be her fault since they come from Ben's side of the family.
Here is my profile pic for 30 weeks

For those that are still guessing girl/boy here is a front view...I feel like my belly looks a little lopsided! I was dressed like a normal person today because I had to go to a client. I'm excited to say that I only have to go to a client one more time before the baby arrives...woohoo!

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