I am going to be frequenting the doctors office more from this point forward. I now start going every two weeks...which is good because I had a long list of questions last time and I couldn't bring myself to ask every single one when the doctor came in the room. The exciting news is that he said he would induce me up to a week early and he wouldn't let me go more than a week past my due date. SOOO...I told him, "Sign me up for inducing me at 39 weeks!" I know there are pros and cons to getting induced, but overall I need to escape my job. September 15th is a huge deadline for a lot of corporations, so as you can guess I'm swamped with work now through 9/15. No offense to any of my clients (well maybe some), but I can't handle the stress that they put on me (if you are a client reading this...of course I'm not talking about you!). Everyone is crabby, swamped and overwhelmed and if you add a pregnant lady to the mix...you get even more crabby clients. Personally, I'd rather deal with the crabby overwhelmed feelings while looking at my cute little baby!
As for preparing for the baby...I have confirmed the pediatrician (Dr. Emm), got a diaper bag (adorable Vera Bradley bag...ON SALE), finished touching up the paint in the babies room (5 coats later) and started looking into newborn pictures (nothing final here, but it's much more fun than filling out insurance forms)!
Hopefully by the next blog I will have accomplished some of my more important to do's...such as: accept the fact that I will need daycare and start looking into options, figure out the insurance crap, fill out the short-term disability papers, finalize my maternity leave plan and hopefully start arranging the nursery (if the Nursery Nook decides to get their act together and deliver the crib and glider...seriously I was planning to start sleeping in the glider a couple weeks ago...COME ON)! There, now I'm accountable...sort of...
Here are the photos...what do you think...girl or boy???

You don't have too much longer to go.. you and Ben need to get a couple of date nights in before baby Funk arrives, because they will be harder to get in when he/she arrives! Enjoy the end of your pregnancy. Hope everything is coming along well with getting things ready and prepared!