Isabel just turned the lucky 7 months! What a busy month for her. I've been keeping a little journal of all the things she is doing since she seems to change daily. I'm scrap booking her baby book, but at this rate, I'll be lucky to finish by the time she graduates from high school. My goal is to be caught up by her first birthday...now it's in writing, hold me to it.
Seven events for seven months:
1) Feet...loves to look at them, splash with them and occasionally suck on them!
2) Swinging...or anything out in the fresh air. One day we just took a walk to the mailbox for entertainment. Otherwise, we walk around the neighborhood for hours.
3) Talking...she has covered mamamama and dadadadada, but I'm not sure if she knows what either means yet. Most frequently it's just a constant jabber or as Ben calls them "soundbites of intelligence"...I'd classify the noise more like grunting, but whatever...it's cute. I'll work on a video for your viewing pleasure!
4) Rocking...we almost have a crawler! She is constantly rocking on her knees and diving for toys. Somewhere throughout this month she mastered sitting up on her own. I must have blinked as I'm not sure when that happened.
5) Food...we have upgraded to three meals a day. Baby food fruits and veggies, puffs, string cheese...plus real fruits. This girl is a good eater (Can't decide if she takes after her Mom or Dad). She eats it all! She even mastered the skill of holding her own bottle and sippy cup this month.
6) Sleep...what a good little baby we have (knock on wood). She is starting to work her way out of three naps a day and down to two quality naps. Sometimes we can squeeze a third cat nap in the stroller or the car. Her bedtime is around 7ish and she is such a joy to put down at night as well as to get up in the morning. She doesn't really sleep through the night regularly yet, but hey...you can't have it all!
7) Toys...Isabel is constantly playing. Spinning the alphabet toy, opening/closing her laptop, watching the jack and the box, rolling the stacking balls, knocking over blocks or sucking on any other toy that she can shove in her mouth.
If you want to see the visual for all of the above...here is a link to her 7 Month album.
Bundled up for a walk

In Isabel's mind, her shoes are just one more toy. Lucky thing those things don't actually touch the ground yet.

Yum, breakfast!

Big smiles for a big push from Daddy!


Just being her adorable self. I love this babe!

The first of many pictures of the kitty and Isabel. Isabel loves the kitty...and the cat, well, she loves Aunt Amanda who babysits Isabel. Therefore, the cat has to go by Isabel to get to Amanda. Ha!
I love the "bundled up for a walk" picture! Absolutely adorable!!! :)