Her levels ended up going up again, but we learned that the levels also correlate with amount of time passed since birth. So eventually she got to a point that our pediatrician was comfortable with her going home. So they finally let us go home, with follow up blood work and a trip to the doctors office the next day! We were so relieved.
Here is our precious little girl on the day we got to go home! I couldn't resist her outfit even though it was huge on her!
What an adorable colic and look at those highlights...
She makes the cutest faces all the time...
The man I love with with the child that we both love more than anything in this world!
Izzy's favorite way to sleep...on my chest! I wish I could hold her like this for the rest of my life!
Ben thought that her cry was THE most adorable whale in the world. The nurse hollered back at him to let her know if it is still as cute in a month!
I couldn't resist! All of a sudden I found myself in Meijer passing the liquor aisle and I thought...not too much longer until I'm able to go down that aisle again ;) Then the right-brain analysis came into play and I thought...hmmm by the time Baby Funk arrives, the summer brews will be a think of the past for 2009...and if I'm going to be stuck in my house with the babe, how am I going to get out and check out the latest selection. I lingered in the beer asile a little longer (looking for bargains, of course) and the thought process continued until I found myself salivating enough to put a case of Sunset Wheat and the BIG bottle of Lambrusco (I know...class class class for red wine) into my cart! That was one of the best grocery trips I've made in a long time...until I got home. My husband was mortified by my actions as an obvious 9+ month pregnant girl. He said "Good grief! You know you are a month away from being able to drink that! Did people see you?" From that point on, Ben took over the shopping...he added the 24 bottles of Summer Shandy and case of Berry Weiss! So...Daddy, do I make you proud?!
Anyways, as for the baby (don't worry I haven't touched the beer reserves yet), well it's still growing as you can see. The interesting thing is that I'm not really gaining any more weight at this point. The scale has stopped moving!! That either means I'm losing weight elsewhere (one can dream) or my dear husband must have programmed the scale not to go up any higher (I love you honey)!
As for my 38 week doctors appointment...well, nothing new and exciting. I'm now 90% effaced, but have not dilated at all :( I was soo bummed...I was really hoping that Baby Funk was ready to make its grand entrance! So, I had to schedule another appointment for next Tuesday. I am praying that the 39 week appt will bring better news!