Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Isabel's birthday party was a smashing success. She absolutely loved the company, the cake and the presents... Here are a couple pictures from the incredible Ms. Katie Zeller that she captured while I was busy fending icing from my attire for the day. Once I have a chance to catch my breath from the festivities (probably won't be until she is 20)...I'll download the pictures from my camera and give you more details :)

Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday DEAR Isabel, Happy Birthday to YOU.

My dainty one year old, checking out her birthday cake!

A quick pose before....

...the madness begins!

"Seriously, this stuff is good!"

Just can't get enough!

My little mouseketeer!

We had an outfit change and then playtime with Mr. Finn Pants!


  1. Oh my gosh....she looks adorable! I'm so glad she kept the ears on! SOOOO cute!

  2. Looks like she enjoyed her cake! Happy Birthday sweet Isabel! Love the Matilda Jane outfit!
