Saturday, July 31, 2010

Daddy's Day

These pictures and stories are a little dated, but I had to share them. Back in June we spent a long weekend up in Michigan with the Korman's, O'Neil's and Wiegman' 8 adults and 5 girls (all under age 4). We rented a big six bedroom house that was just a short drive to Lake Michigan. In theory, it was the perfect plan, but things slowly unraveled. First, Ben couldn't get the day Isabel and I headed off a night early and Ben drove separately the next night. Kind of a bummer...but what could we do.

We started off the first night with a success...all the girls went to bed at a normal hour and we enjoyed cocktails out on the patio!

Beer and baby after babies!

The next day we had a great day at the beach and then we checked out the pool. My pictures are limited as I was having difficulties keeping up with my mobile daughter, all of our stuff, the other kiddos and then all the typical hazards that you find at the beach or the pool. I think Isabel only ate two or three good handfuls of sand!

Mya, Ella, Isabel and Addie enjoying the sunshine (and a snack) at the beach.
Isabel loved the sand!

Then, we got a storm. No ordinary was a straight-line winds of 80 mph storm. Needless to stay, we lost power and the chaos began. Ben was in transit on his way to Michigan and had no clue the war zone he was driving into. We sent some of the guys out for flash lights...but they couldn't go far because there were trees down everywhere, including in the pool. Life with babies and no power is a challenge. So we cut the weekend short and went home the next day.

Trees down across the street...between the neighbors cars...another was on their house. A huge mess.

The rest of the girls...Kylie, Mya, Ella and Addie. Isabel was off taking her morning nap.

Even though our planned Michigan fun didn't work out, we were blessed to have a plan B. Ben's parents were having a get together to "break-in" their new patio! So we headed out to the farm with along with my parents and celebrated Fathers Day with all the fathers. It was the perfect end to our weekend.

This picture is kind of a mistake, but it turned out so neat, that I had to share. It was nice and cool inside in the a/c, but I walked outside and my camera instantly steamed up. Here is Miss Iz showing off her blanky!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Staying Cool

One of Isabel’s favorite ways to keep cool in the summer sun! What a fun summer we are having...does it get any better than this?? More blogs to come on all our summer adventures :)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Isabel's Digs

When I told people I was pregnant there were a couple standard questions I would expect to hear from friends and family…

1. When are you due?
Are you going to find out if it’s a boy or girl?
How are you going to decorate the nursery?

Well, one and two are long since answered questions, but her nursery was sort of a work in process. We painted the walls green and hung a decal tree on the wall…very unisex. The crib and dresser were in the room when we brought Isabel home, but she hardly used her room the first couple months. Since then, I added a couple of fun feminine touches to make it girly for our baby girl. It also took FOREVER for the chair and ottoman to come in (note: don’t buy from Nursery Nook in Bloomington) and I finished hand painting (and hanging) the letters on the wall! So now, it’s officially Isabels room or at least until any other Funks come along! Take a look…while its clean!

Monday, July 5, 2010


Sorry, I've been slacking on my blogging. We have been having so much fun this it's hard to find time to blog! Here is a quick recap of Isabel's ninth month...hopefully I can keep all the facts straight since she is now almost 10 months.

I think the motto for this month is "mischievous". With Isabel's new found mobility she can find all sorts of trouble! We could probably prevent some of the trouble if we chose to baby proof the house more...but I really don't want to turn my house upside down. Ben asked me today, "So when does the NO means YES stage end?" HA...

Modeling her new hat from Meema
"Taa daa" - Isabel's new pose
One of the greatest inventions since I was a child...a water table!
Taking a bath with Miss Mya after an afternoon swim at the Jannusch farm!
Playing on the couch with Daddy.
"No mom, I'm not playing with the cable box."
Pulling up on EVERYTHING.
Climbing on/over EVERYTHING.
One of her favorite things to do is dive/somersault off of the couch... One of these days she will learn not to do this.