We have been busy over the past month! I have started getting more comfortable taking Izzy out of the house and around town (future blog posts to come about some of our adventures). I'm still a flu freak, but I carry a bottle of GermX with me and I try and keep Izzy covered under a blanked for the most part! Hopefully my neurotic behavior will spare her this flu season! The reality of my maternity leave running out has set in :( I can't bear the thought of not spending 24/7 with my baby girl. Come on...she just started giving me the cutest looks! Any ideas how to strike it rich in 3 weeks?! Here are some of Izzy's sweet faces to tide over those that have been stalking me to blog!

She's changing so much Kristy. Isn't it crazy how fast it goes by. Aubrey is a month today which I find to be so unbelievable. Izzy is beautiful!!