Isabel's second month was so much fun. We finally started figuring things out this month. There are two things to note this month and I can't decide which is best... First, Izzy started sleeping in her crib HOORAY/sniff sniff. My dear friend Rachel was the ultimate winner at convincing me of breaking the habit of holding Izzy when she sleeps...after spending the night with the Wiegman's I came home with the motivation to get Isabel to like her crib. I put her in it and after maybe two minutes of whimpering (not crying) she was asleep! She didn't sleep through the night or anything crazy...but a night without my baby girl in my bed was restful for me. Though it is bittersweet as those moments of listening to her breath, watching her smile and drifting off to sleep are missed.
The other major accomplishment of the month is Izzy's SMILE! She has learned how to make our hearts melt. My favorite smiles are usually at 3 in the morning when I feed her. It's just the two of us and I think she knows I need the encouragement. Seriously, with smiles like hers, I would stay up all night to feed her!
At her two month check up, Dr. Emm said that Isabel was a "healthy" (not fat) child. She weighed 12 lbs 1 oz, 75th percentile and was 22.5 inches long, 50th percentile. Her chubby cheeks are my daily indicator that she is getting enough to eat! What do you think?

Doesn't it melt your heart? It melts Daddy's wallet :)